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can you make a new link?


can you PTCU 1.4.5 NO ANTILEAK

(1 edit) (+1)

oh yeah also elpapubaiter this upload is the reason why you were banned from the scoutdigo community discord server. plus the sidcord server you claim is "yours" is literally called "Pizza Tower Leaked Paradise". some ex-leaker you are.

im ex-leaker bc i don't do it as much as i used to.

I'm pretty sure "ex-leaker" means you don't leak at all.


i made an account just to say this, this isn't a good path to go down.

delete this page. delete your server. delete any traces of leaked content off your personal computer.


fuke u bitch


Shut up bro, you're weird

no,no and no 

why whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy im sorry sooo sorry pls bro pls il give u ptu 7.0



Delete this and delete your server, you're weird bro




Go fuck yourself

